How do I get a refund from EVA Air?

How do I get a refund from EVA Air?

Grab details to get a refund from EVA Air.

Suppose you have made a reservation with EVA Air, and, due to a last-minute medical emergency, you cannot travel to your destination; in that case, you want to cancel the ticket and ask for a refund. However, to learn about How do I get a refund from EVA Air? You must go by a few refund policies that are described well under the terms and conditions section (before 24 hours, after 24 hours, and cancellation due to uncertain conditions like bad weather or illness).

Steps to get refunds online at EVA Air:

  • Go to the official website of EVA Air and log in/sign in account. 
  • After this, select my trips/manage booking option.
  • Now, ahead you have to select the fields like confirmation code and last name and mention the necessary details. 
  • Next, you will have to select your canceled ticket and choose the refund/refund form icon 
  • Further, fill up the form with necessary details like refund reason and ticket details and describe your reason within 1000 characters.
  • In the end, tap over submit button, and you will receive a confirmation email from EVA Air with a complete refund summary.

Since you follow the EVA Air above-referred points, which are referred against the refund, you will be able to gather appropriate details, and in case you still get any trouble in getting refunds online, then you may ask for help from an assistant for How do I get a refund from EVA Air? Because calling the assistant also provides proper guidance against canceled ticket refunds without any issues.

  • You need first to dial EVA Air customer service phone number
  • Then, choose your preferred language
  • After this, press the option which transfers your call to the live assistant 
  • You have to hold your call for a while, and then it connects with an agent 
  • Finally, discuss refund queries and receive instant help from the assistant as they provide solutions 24/7.

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